TRAINING by Palmer Safety
When elevated work hazards are present, Fall Protection equipment and Fall Protection systems play an essential role in safely executing work activities. Palmer Safety is a full-service Fall Protection manufacturer that strives to be your source for solutions to executing elevated work safely. In doing so, we set ourselves apart from our competition.
With locations in New Orleans, Houston, and New York, Palmer Safety can fully service your Fall Protection needs. We continue to innovate as we pursue leading edge products.
Palmer Safety offers high performance, high quality products along with an experienced and knowledgeable Technical Support Team. The buying decision should always consider the value of customer service and product support that is part of the Palmer Safety experience.
We take Success in Safety seriously!
Bill Folse Safety & Fall Protection Technical Support Team
Available Courses
Fall Protection Component Training
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Wallet Card
Class room Course Length:Ā 16 hours
Class Size:Ā 20 students
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
Fall Protection Component Offsite
Certification:Ā Wallet Card
Offsite Course Length:Ā 16 hours.
Class Size:Ā set by customer.
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
ANSI Definitions:
2.16Ā Competent Person. An individual designated by the employer to be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation and monitoring of the employers managed fall protection program who though training and knowledge is capable of identifying, evaluating and addressing existing and potential fall hazards, and who has the employerās authority and responsibility to take prompt corrective action with regards to such hazards.
2.41Ā Qualified Person. A person with a recognized degree or professional certificate and with extensive knowledge, training and experience in the fall protection and rescue field who is capable of designing, analyzing, evaluating and specifying fall protection and rescue systems to the extent required by this standard.
2.42Ā Qualified Person Trainer. A qualified person who meets the requirements of this standard and who is also qualified to provide fall protection training.
7.1.2Ā The employer shall assure that each employee has been trained as necessary by a Competent or Qualified Person in the following areas: The nature of fall hazards; The correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling and inspecting the fall protection system to be used; The use and operation of personal fall arrest systems, safety net systems and other protection to be used.Ā Employee training shall include lectures, demonstrations, and hands on training. Training must include determination of total fall distance on that specific site.
Our Fall Protection Competent Person training is set up to educate end users regarding OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. Providing best practice methods of identifying and eliminating or providing protection from existing and predictable fall hazards. Time spent on the hierarchy of fall protection; eliminating fall hazards, administrative controls, passive systems, restraint systems, arrest systems. Per the ANSI definition of training this course use lectures, demonstrations, and hands on training. Training must include determination and understanding the use of total fall distances while working from height. Our program provided a framework for our end users to assume the role of a Competent Person.
Fall Protection Component Refresher Training
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Wallet Card
Class room Course Length:Ā 8 hours
Class Size:Ā 20 students
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
Fall Protection Component Offsite.
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Wallet Card
Offsite Course Length:Ā 8 hours.
Class Size:Ā set by customer.
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
ANSI Definitions:
2.16Ā Competent Person. An individual designated by the employer to be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation and monitoring of the employers managed fall protection program who though training and knowledge is capable of identifying, evaluating and addressing existing and potential fall hazards, and who has the employerās authority and responsibility to take prompt corrective action with regards to such hazards.
2.41Ā Qualified Person. A person with a recognized degree or professional certificate and with extensive knowledge, training and experience in the fall protection and rescue field who is capable of designing, analyzing, evaluating and specifying fall protection and rescue systems to the extent required by this standard.
2.42Ā Qualified Person Trainer. A qualified person who meets the requirements of this standard and who is also qualified to provide fall protection training.
7.1.2Ā The employer shall assure that each employee has been trained as necessary by a Competent or Qualified Person in the following areas: The nature of fall hazards; The correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling and inspecting the fall protection system to be used; The use and operation of personal fall arrest systems, safety net systems and other protection to be used.Ā Employee training shall include lectures, demonstrations, and hands on training. Training must include determination of total fall distance on that specific site.
This Fall Protection Component Refresher training is for end users currently operating as a Competent Person for their companies.This training allow our end users to review and apply the materials covered in either the 16 Hour Fall Protection Competent Person Course or the EM 385-1-1 24 Hour Fall Protection Course. End users will review current OSHA regulations and ANSI standards, best practice methods of using fall protection equipment, and effective methods of eliminating fall hazards.
Our Fall Protection Competent Person training is set up to educate end users regarding OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. Providing best practice methods of identifying and eliminating or providing protection from existing and predictable fall hazards. Time spent on the hierarchy of fall protection; eliminating fall hazards, administrative controls, passive systems, restraint systems, arrest systems. Per the ANSI definition of training this course use lectures, demonstrations, and hands on training. Training must include determination and understanding the use of total fall distances while working from height. Our program provided a framework for our end users to assume the role of a Competent Person.
Fall Protection Awareness Training
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Wallet Card
Class room Course Length:Ā 8 hours
Class Size:Ā 20 students
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
Fall Protection Awareness Onsite
Certification:Ā Wallet Card
Onsite Course Length:Ā 2 hours or longer.
Class Size:Ā set by customer.
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
ANSI Definitions
2.7Ā Authorized Person. For purposes of this standard, a person assigned by the employer to perform duties at a location where the person will be exposed to a fall hazard.
7.1.1Ā The employer shall provide a training program for each employee who might be exposed to a fall hazard. The program shall enable each employee to recognize site specific hazards of falling. Shall train each employee in the procedures to be followed in order to minimize these hazards.
Our Fall Protection Awareness training is set up to familiarize your workforce with the dangers of fall hazards, as well as the proper use, inspection, care, maintenance, and storage of fall protection equipment.
Fall Protection Equipment Inspection Training
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Photo wallet card
Course Length:Ā 8 hours
Class Size: 20Ā students.
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
ANSI Definitions:
2.29Ā Inspection. An examination of equipment or systems to assess conformance to a particular standard.
2.16Ā Competent Person. An individual designated by the employer to be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation and monitoring of the employers managed fall protection program who though training and knowledge is capable of identifying, evaluating and addressing existing and potential fall hazards, and who has the employerās authority and responsibility to take prompt corrective action with regards to such hazards.
7.3.1 AĀ regular inspection and maintenance program in accordance with the manufacturers instructions shall be established.Ā The a manufacturers instructions shall be readily available for reference.
7.3.2Ā Prior to use, fall protection equipment shall be inspected by the user for defects, damage or deterioration. Any suspected defective equipment shall be removed from service.
7.3.2Ā Formal inspection of equipment shall be made by a qualified person on a semi annual basis.
7.4Ā Compatibility, When fall arrest components made by different manufacturers are used in a system, a component
OSHA regulation:
Personal fall arrest systems shall be inspected prior to each use for wear, damage, and other deterioration, defective components shall be removed from service. 29 CFR 1926.502(d)(21).
The Fall Protection Equipment Inspector training has been developed for end users responsible for inspecting fall protection equipment on a frequent basis. Both OSHA and ANSI call out for regular inspection programs for prior to use, and formal inspections of all fall protection equipment. This training provides end users with hands-on opportunities to inspect a wide range of fall protection equipment being used, and demonstrate to the training class they can preform a full inspection of fall protection equipment.
Confined Space Awareness & Training
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Wallet Card
Course Length:Ā 16 hours (2 days)
Class Size:Ā 18 students
Price: Contact Palmer Safety
Special group rates available.
This training course includes training regarding harnesses, tripods and other high point anchors, retrieval lines and mechanical advantage systems, ventilation procedures, use of entry permits, operation of atmospheric monitors and procedures for Permit Confined Space Entry. This training provides all of the information needed to comply with the minimum training requirement of an attendant, authorized entrant and entry supervisor. Classroom training will provide hands on training, lectures, hazard assessment, rescue discussion, confined space safety programming.
Fall Protection Component Offsite.
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Wallet Card
Offsite Course Length:Ā 8 hours.
Class Size:Ā set by customer.
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
ANSI Definitions:
2.16Ā Competent Person. An individual designated by the employer to be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation and monitoring of the employers managed fall protection program who though training and knowledge is capable of identifying, evaluating and addressing existing and potential fall hazards, and who has the employerās authority and responsibility to take prompt corrective action with regards to such hazards.
2.41Ā Qualified Person. A person with a recognized degree or professional certificate and with extensive knowledge, training and experience in the fall protection and rescue field who is capable of designing, analyzing, evaluating and specifying fall protection and rescue systems to the extent required by this standard.
2.42Ā Qualified Person Trainer. A qualified person who meets the requirements of this standard and who is also qualified to provide fall protection training.
7.1.2Ā The employer shall assure that each employee has been trained as necessary by a Competent or Qualified Person in the following areas: The nature of fall hazards; The correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling and inspecting the fall protection system to be used; The use and operation of personal fall arrest systems, safety net systems and other protection to be used.Ā Employee training shall include lectures, demonstrations, and hands on training. Training must include determination of total fall distance on that specific site.
This Fall Protection Component Refresher training is for end users currently operating as a Competent Person for their companies.This training allow our end users to review and apply the materials covered in either the 16 Hour Fall Protection Competent Person Course or the EM 385-1-1 24 Hour Fall Protection Course. End users will review current OSHA regulations and ANSI standards, best practice methods of using fall protection equipment, and effective methods of eliminating fall hazards.
Our Fall Protection Competent Person training is set up to educate end users regarding OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. Providing best practice methods of identifying and eliminating or providing protection from existing and predictable fall hazards. Time spent on the hierarchy of fall protection; eliminating fall hazards, administrative controls, passive systems, restraint systems, arrest systems. Per the ANSI definition of training this course use lectures, demonstrations, and hands on training. Training must include determination and understanding the use of total fall distances while working from height. Our program provided a framework for our end users to assume the role of a Competent Person.
Fall Protection Program Development
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Photo wallet card
Course Length:Ā 8 hours
Class Size: 20Ā students.
Price: Contact Palmer Safety.
Special group rates available.
ANSI Z359.2-2017 Minimum requirements for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program.
ANSI Scope:
1.1.1Ā This standard establishes criteria and requirements for an employerās fall protection program including policies, duties and responsibilities, training survey and identification of fall hazards, fall protection procedures, eliminating or controlling fall hazards, rescue procedures, program implementation, incident investigation and evaluating program effectiveness.
Developing and implementing a comprehensive fall protection program is the most effective tool for employers to: identify, evaluate, eliminate or control fall hazards though planning; ensure proper training of personnel; ensure proper installation and use of fall protection and rescue systems and implement viable fall protection and rescue procedures.
The intent of the fall protection program is that each fall hazard is identified, a control method is selected, workers are trained according to the control method and specific work practice, (how to access, where to anchor, which system to use) is documented through written fall protection and rescue procedures.
This course starts the conversion and the process for your company to begin this procedure. Our content follows this standard from start to finish on developing a program. We will also discuss the importance and cost of not creating a fall protection program. The overall goal of this course is to have you the end user prepared to begin this process of developing a managed fall protection program.
Fall Protection Rescue & Program Training
Certification:Ā Wall Certificate & Wallet Card
Course Length:Ā 8 hours.
Class Size:Ā 18 students
Price: Contact Palmer Safety
Special group rates available.
ANSI Definitions and OSHA Regulations:
7.2.1Ā Employee shall be trained in self rescue or alternate means shall be provided for prompt rescue in the event of a fall.
7.2.2Ā A site specific rescue plan shall be developed and included as part of the site specific fall protection plan which will provide for a prompt efficient and safe rescue for employees.
7.2.3Ā All rescuers shall be provided with adequate training, equipment and personal protective equipment where needed.
7.2.4Ā When equipment solely designed for rescue is available it shall be identified as such, and kept in a separate location from daily use fall arrest systems.
29 CFR 1926.502(d)(20).Ā The employer shall provide for prompt rescue of employees in an event of a fall or shall assure that employees are able to rescue themselves.
29 CFR 1910.27(b)(2)(viii).Ā Prompt rescue of employees in an event of a fall.
This training course introduces end users to OSHA regulations and ANSI standards associated with fall arrest rescue and the affects of prolong expose to a fall arrest. Our course will involve hands on training in rescue and self rescue. A review of why a proper fitted full body harness is critical to your rescue program. Hands on training on using a tripod for confine space retrieval training is also provided.
Inspection of all rescue equipment is required and is covered in our course content.
Orthostatic intolerance is covered in great detail and a discussion to procedures involving EMS and a fall arrest victim in our course content.
A fall protection rescue plan is not calling 911. We provide the frame work to develop your companyās plan with involvement of your component person plus your companyās management team.
EM 385-1-1 24 Hour Fall Protection Course
This 24-hour fall Protection class is designed specifically for contractors doing business with the US Navy, NAVFAC, US Army Corps of Engineers and other government agencies that require EM 385 training